Natal Mars in Gemini conjunct North Node opposing my Ascendant. Mars transiting Cancer and Leo is in my 8th house occupied by natal Mercury, Sun, Saturn and Pluto.
Forgive me, I'm new and not tech savvy :) . You mentioned that you linked the description of the houses below, I dont know exactly where to look to find that. If it isn't too much trouble , could you tell me how to find it :). Thank you!
Thank you
Natal Mars in Gemini conjunct North Node opposing my Ascendant. Mars transiting Cancer and Leo is in my 8th house occupied by natal Mercury, Sun, Saturn and Pluto.
Cool. I have Mars at 23° Capricorn in my third house. In opposition to Uranus and square Neptune.
I have been feeling this one! I have S. Node conjunct and Neptune opposing Mars ( and my mars return?). I’ve been feeling a little salty 😅
HI Christina... yes, a lot of us are feeling it!!
Forgive me, I'm new and not tech savvy :) . You mentioned that you linked the description of the houses below, I dont know exactly where to look to find that. If it isn't too much trouble , could you tell me how to find it :). Thank you!
Hi Melody.. sure, here is the direct link
You can find all other course here , on my website
Hope that helps 😇
thank you❤️