Loving your purple sweater! Thanks for the in-depth insight. Always great to have a way forward. Can’t wait to see how this plays out in the collective because we all need hope and faith right now. Beautiful new moon.

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I’m new to Substack. Loved your New Moon in Pisces video. It was so in depth and informative. I’m a Pisces/Aries cusp (3/20) with a Gemini rising and Virgo moon. Can’t afford any more subscriptions to anything on my fixed income, but will keep checking back for your updates on the Stars! My mom was very into Astrology when I was a kid. I have always been a spiritual person with psychic/medium gifts. I didn’t start developing my gifts until October of 2023. I wish I would have stayed on top of my hand me down knowledge of Astrology and dug deeper into it. I recently had a friend do my chart again and interpret it for me as practice. It was awesome to discuss how my life has panned out according to the stars ✨✨✨ Looking forward to this New Moon Pisces energy!!!

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Lisa, thank you for providing this information for encountering the energy of the new moon. I will be ready to do the guided ritual on the 27th!

I had a phone session with you on 10/29/24 and so much has changed, shifted, and transformed since then as I helped my daughter find, finance, build out and complete a new space for her alternative healthcare practice, which she inherited from her father in 2015. I helped him do the same thing in March 1977 and again in May 1995, so have been in this supportive roll for nearly 50 years. Doors to her beautiful new office opened 2/03/25 and I collapsed that evening! After a couple of weeks resting up and renewing physically, I am preparing to focus on my personal journey going forward. This new moon feels like the perfect time to start. I am also signed up for a workshop 3/06-3/09 with a teacher I last worked with 20 years ago, to help re-ignite my gifts.

Ever since our phone session, I have felt your supportive presence. There are few people in my life who share my worldview, so finding you has been a true gift for me. I'm not very familiar with astrology, but I'm learning! Thank you X 1,000,000 for being willing to share your wisdom with all of us.

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You are so welcome 🙏🏻

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I did the meditation twice tonight, journaled and took a bath with all three of my stones rather than just bathing my hands. Feeling mellow and calm. Will ask to remember my dreams.

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Hi Lisa. I can’t figure out how to download a video/podcast so I can listen on the plane. I don’t think Substack allows this function. So sad. I’m on the move constantly these days!


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