As we transition into the Sagittarius New Moon on December 1st, taking place officially at 1:21 AM ET, we are gifted with an opportunity to embrace new beginnings, adventure, and expansive thinking. Sagittarius, the archer, invites us to aim our arrows high and explore the vast possibilities that lie ahead. Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth, this New Moon encourages us to dream big and seek the truth in all areas of our lives.
The Energies of Sagittarius
Under the Sagittarius New Moon, optimism abounds. This is a time to reflect on our goals and set intentions that align with our true desires. Sagittarian energy is adventurous, philosophical, and bold, urging us to explore both the outer world and our inner landscapes. It's the perfect time to take a step back and ask yourself: What is the truth I am ready to embrace? What adventures am I prepared to embark on?
Manifestation and Intention Setting Ritual
To harness the potent energies of the Sagittarius New Moon, consider the following ritual:
1. Create a Sacred Space: Find a quiet spot where you feel comfortable and at ease. Light a candle and arrange some crystals such as amethyst, citrine, or turquoise to amplify the energy of Sagittarius.
2. Meditation and Reflection: Spend a few minutes in meditation. You may utilize my New Moon Meditation here, if you wish. As you do, visualize an archer drawing back the bowstring of their bow. Picture yourself aiming at a distant star that represents your deepest desire or goal.
3. Write Your Intentions: On a piece of paper, write down the intentions you wish to set for the coming lunar cycle. Be clear and specific, as Mercury, the ‘Master Manifestor’ is very retrograde at this New Moon. Remember, Sagittarius calls for boldness and optimism, so don't be afraid to think big!
4. Manifest with Gratitude: Take a moment to express gratitude for your current blessings and the opportunities that will come. Feel this gratitude radiating from your heart as you review your intentions. A grateful heart is a magnet for continued blessings.
5. Release and Trust: Safely burn your intention paper in the candle flame, releasing your desires to the universe. As the smoke rises, let go of any attachment to the outcome. Trust that the universe will guide you on your path.
6. Close with Clarity: Conclude your ritual by stating aloud: "With the energy of the Sagittarius New Moon, I aim high and embrace the journey ahead. I release my intentions to the universe with trust and gratitude. So be it."
The Sagittarius New Moon is a powerful time to plant seeds for future growth and expansion. Whether you're seeking new adventures or a deeper understanding of your life's path, this lunar phase invites you to dream big and aim high. Embrace the freedom this energetic shift offers, and prepare for a journey filled with possibility and enlightenment.
Much Love & New Moon Blessings,
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